Did you know...
Twice a year , the sun sets in line with the Manhattan street grid.
Today is one of those days.
Must mean something!
Now, if the house itself is somewhat of an acquired taste I guess, the swimming pools are just too cool. The outdoorsy one is set inside a Roman temple (and I mean a real temple shipped from Italy) and the indoorsy one, well, the room is covered in 22 carat golden tiles. The guy definitely wasn't trying to cut corners!
Anyway, after a few hours at the castle, it was time to get back in the car and head off. we drove through Paso Robles where we did some wine tasting before heading down to Santa Barbara for the night.
Again, we had no bookings, so had to try our luck at a couple of places before checking into Monecilo Inn for the night (Janet urged me to remind the readers that this is where Barbara Streisand and Oprah call home). (and a note to the grumpy young lady at the Four Seasons, just in case she's reading this: No, $1,000 a room+tax is not OK.)
Had a really sensational dinner of local produce (or so we're told) in downtown Santa Barb, before calling it a night.
Janet was not only gracious enough to drive into town and get me, she actually drove all the way down, which made a fun trip even more fun (I was inn charge of car DJ-ing and map reading, thank you very much!)
The drive down the coast, well the first half of it at least, is just spectacular. I took a few pics that I will upload at some point, but they won't do it any justice. You will have to take my word for it I guess, or do it yourself. After lunch we headed into this weird development/community and decided to hit on a few “open homes”, just to see what people are willing to pay millions for in California's Central Coast. We both agreed that even in suburban USA it's rare to see so many different flavours of ewwww...
Finding a place to spend the night was a bigger challenge than we expected, due to the Corvette Convention taking place that weekend and every single room booked for some proud (if somewhat wanky) Corvette owner. We did however strike gold at the Quality Inn motel, partly (we figured) because the lady at the desk was pretty scary-looking and probably scared off some of the more wussy Corvette-eers. She looked like she had a huge struggle with a pair of fake eyelashes that morning and ended up just sticking the whole thing to her eyelids, plastic and all. Checked in and drove off to look for a place to have dinner, only to end up just across the road from the motel at an Italian place that redefined “suburban”. Food was surprisingly tasty, especially since we thought that was the perfect setting to have the bottle of Aussie red (thanks again Qantas chick). And while on the subject - $25 corckage? has the world gone mad?
All in all flight is pretty uneventful, apart from the fact that it took off a good two hours late. Food etc was all good – I even got a pair of PJ to parade around in! And they have a kangaroo printed on them! Is that fancy or what?
I am sure sometime, somewhere along the way these Pjs will be brought to some sort of good use. It may be a bar in Mexico or a Karaoke joint in Japan, but if you wanna look special it doesn't get much better than the flying kangaroo pyjamas!
Watched couple of movies (God – Ethan Hawke has aged), a few episodes of family guy, a documentary or two, and am almost ready to have a quick nap.
An interesting observation (well, at least I find it interesting) about the Qantas inflight entertainment selection. This month they are proud to offer the following:
(I am not making any of this up! swear!)
I don't want to spend too much time talking about this. All I am going to say is that I really wanna meet the individual in Qantas in charge of programme selection. I can't think of a better person to spend a night at the Taxi club with!
Oh, one last thing... I am not 100% positive, but I am pretty confident the lady sitting next to me is Gretel Killeen's mum. She has the exact same facial expression! And no – while it would have made a great blog story, I decided against mile-high clubbing with Old Lady K.
Big hugs from a big plane... Next entry will be from the land of the free and the home of the brave!!
PS. Big hurrah to the lovely flight attendant who gave me a bottle of 1999 Shiraz as I was walking off the plane as a good-luck pressie.
I don't know about you, but I reckon this is really the epitome of WTF... I can't remember a purer combination of lame music, bad haircuts (and facial hair! I bet all four ended up doing budget porn!) and laughable choreography! And being a kid of 70's I have been exposed to a lot of that stuff! But then again - isn't it always the bad things that make you feel so good?
Actually, coming to think about bad things making you feel good, I think I will actually sign off now and leave you in favour of my pre-lunch gin&tonic. I promise to update you on my adventures onboard Qantas flight 73 very very soon!