Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Had a Surprise, the Surprise of My Life

I had to stop and stare...
Well, to be exact, I was walking down Avenue J this morning, minding my own business (i.e. looking for somewhere to have lunch). Then, as I was passing this nail salon (and God- there are millions of these in New York, probably one every block!) something just didn't look right. I actually had to stop, go back, then look through the window, until I realised...
There was a lady there having her nails done, but the amazing thing was that the lady doing the nails was not Asian. Yes you heard right, the manicurist (is that what they're called?) was not Asian. Not even a little Asian. If I had to guess, I'd say she spoke English with a deep Yiddish accent (and vice verse).
So yeah, if you ever think your nails could do with a little pampering, and you didn't want some shikse to do them, you now have an option. A Kosher Jewish manicure (and I hear they also do waxing). Ladies and gentlemen - I give you the Cinderella Beauty Parlor!

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