Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Food in Mexico

Before heading to Mexico I had, like I said before, pretty high expectations.
I expected the weather to be nice and warm (it was), the beach to be beautiful (it was), our hotel to be fancy in an understated way (it was), the people to be nice and the food to be yumm and the booze to be cheap (tick, tick, tick)
I did factor in some minor incidents though. I mean nothing in 2,000 years of Jewish diaspora prepares your tummy for Mexican food. I was expecting the first 24 hours to be a bit stressful for the system, and once you get used to the idea and prepare yourself, it's not that bad.
But none of that ever happened.
An entire week of Mexican food in Mexican places, cooked using Mexican ingredients and Mexican spices by Mexican cooks, and still no complaints registered by the tummy.
How good is that! Maybe I am not Jewish after all!

Then I had two bites (I swear, only two) into my American Airlines breakfast on the flight into Rio, and by the time bite #2 was halfway down i knew I was going to regret it. And I did. So there you go - life's little ironies. And another reason not to fly American (will get back to that at some point).

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