But the, I was having a chat to Jason one day and he mentions Playa del Carmen and how I absolutely have too go there if I am ever in the area (which I was going to be). Obviously, since Jason is Jason, this was only one topic in a torrent of about four hundred that were brought up in convo. I made a mental post-it note and placed it somewhere and didn't really do much about it.
Then, randomly, Steve mentioned that he plans to go to Playa, which reminded me of that chat with Jason. Those were the days when I kept changing my travel plans on an hourly basis (and in the process being a major pain to the poor travel agent) so I figured - why not.
I actually had very high expectations. But Playa surpassed them by a mile and then some... It was exactly what the doctor would be ordering after two weeks in NY.
Where do I start?
How about I start by talking about the place where we were staying. It was about 30 meters from the beach (and the beach was spectacular). It was really big (and given how messy Steve and I are - a small space would be inadequate). It had a big lounge in front of a big tv to veg on, it had a bedroom that would be super dark, no matter what time of day or night it was (I don't think I ever got up before 10:30, so that was pretty useful). It had the best a/c known to man, a fully equipped kitchen, and a balcony that was only a step and a half from the pool. Plus it had a rooftop pool, with pool bar and views stretching all the way to ummm Morocco I guess.
So the place was great- It was also brand spanking new and almost empty so we had the pool (pools I mean) pretty much to ourselves most of the day.
Then there was the weather. It did start raining pretty nastily as i was heading towards the airport on my last day there, but for the rest of the stay it was great. Super hot, super sunny, but with the monster a/c never more than a few minutes away, and with the pool (I mean pools) at our disposal 24x7, that was actually really pleasant. For entertainment value we used to check out the Sydney Morning Herald most mornings, see that Sydney is cold and grey and rainy, giggle to ourselves and head out for brekkie.
Breakfast in Mexico are really cool, really yumm and really cheap. Just in case you were wondering. Who would have thought that cactus in your omelet actually tastes nice!
Now the best thing about the whole Mexico experience was that I managed to do absolutely nothing. And for once - didn't even feel bad about it! No scuba diving days, no tours to see Mayan ruins, no fishing trips or piƱata building classes. Nothing.
It was pretty much get up-have breakfast-do nothing-have a snack-have a nap-have dinner-check out the local night club (mostly dead)-go to bed. And it was awesome.
So yeah - if you ever feel super stressed, or really cold or both, I say Playa del Carmen should fix it in no time.
I had some complaints about the lack of pics in this blog. Only excuses I have is that I hate taking them and I hate uploading them even worse. However, here are some of where we were in Playa, just to prove that it is all true.

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