Thursday, October 16, 2008


By Sunday morning it was cold and rainy, I had a nagging cough and a sniffly nose and I was well and truly ready to get out of London.
The cab driver had some hearing issues and took me to the wrong train station (lucky me! I noticed the nasty plot not too late), so by the time I got to Gatwick I was significantly poorer (17 Pounds for a train to the airport?? I mean SERIOUSLY!. Not to mention the 15 Pounds for the cab...) and a bit on the cranky side and very very ready to leave.
Flight to Bologna was uneventful. The gentleman next to me tried to be funny way too many times (“have you got spaghetti bolognese.... because we're going to Bologna you see” isn't that amusing the fourth time you hear it...) but other than that no complaints. The airport is the size of a large fridge, which is awesome – 12 minutes and I was out of there on my way into town.
And let me tell you - nothing like a 3 Euro ride into town to restorer one's trust in public transport, after a week in London.

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