I keep telling myself how lucky I am that Murphy didn't make much of an appearance on my trip so far.
Weather has been remarkably good almost everywhere. No lost luggage, no delayed flights or missed connections, no unfortunate accidents... Hardly any tummy dramas...
But I guess I knew all along that he will eventually show up. And show up he did. With a vengeance.
So I booked the ticket to see Liza in Rome, knowing that it's literally a once in a lifetime opportunity and that she's not gonna be with us forever. (I actually had doubts she was going to make it to the end of the week).
And that's when things started to go horribly wrong.
The Italian government has done something to really anger the public. Had to do with how they pay uni professors or something along those lines. As a result, the entire student population took to the streets to protest. Every day of the week. And pretty much every street.
That made getting to the concert (or getting anywhere really. Rome doesn't have much of an underground) a truly royal pain.
Then it started raining. It hasn't rained at all until then. It hasn't rained afterwards. But on that one day it rained the entire monthly average. It was absolutely pouring down.
If that's not enough, the power to my block was cut the night before. I assumed it would be resumed within an hour or so. God was I naive. I can only imagine the Italian Electricity company people going: "Out?? To fix what?? Can't you see it's raining??? We fix when
spring arrives". So I was without power for a good 36 hours...
So there I am, in the pouring rain, after having a
cold shower (cold!!!) walking to the concert.
At some point I thought I'd outsmart the rain and get an umbrella. Wrong move.
As soon as I got it, the rain turned from annoying to horrendous. It was like walking through a huge fishtank. My umbrella went "You're kidding me, right?" and turned into a useless piece of you-know-what.
The concert was taking place in this enormous complex. The rain was so heavy it was actually almost impossible to find - you just couldn't see anything.
By the time I got there I was soaked. And I mean
Not just the obvious. Everything. All the way to my undies. Inclusive. Every single piece of paper in my wallet. My shoes and socks were just a joke (at some point you stop avoiding the puddles because, quite frankly, what's the point).
So there I am, not only soaked but also visibly under-dressed (the rest of the crowd stuck to suits, ties and evening dresses, and was surprisingly dry).
But hey - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
So I took off my shoes and socks, which doubled the looks opf distaste I got from the fancy Italians and sat down soaked amongst the creme de la creme of Roma and had an awesome night.
Trying to find a way to upload the video. Not sure I can...