Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Few Good Things About Tel Aviv

With all the bad publicity Israel gets, I think the right thing to do would be to list a few of the cool things about Tel Aviv. Not to worry - it won't be a very long list.

1. Movies
I am almost sure there isn't another place anywhere on earth (maybe with the exception of New York. Maybe.) that has as many movies showing at any one time as Tel Aviv. No idea why, people's way to escape maybe, but just is. Obviously it has the entire range of Hollywood blockbusters, and a bunch of local movies (usually about sensitive boys going to war, what else?), but also seems to have every movie made anywhere else in the world in any imaginable language (with big emphasis on Eastern European deep and meaningful movies).

2. Nice Coffee
What can I say - it's nice.

3. The nice restaurants are VERY nice.

4. Weather
It never rains in summer. Never. May to November, you are pretty much guaranteed a dry day. Sweaty, yes, rainy - no way. Pretty cool if you're not a rain person like me. Pretty lame if you're a lawn.

5. Cheap cabs
After a few weeks in Europe you learn to appreciate them. Obviously the flip side is that the drivers will always try to rip you off. Keep trying I say.

6. Like the restaurants - the cool people are VERY cool. The friendly ones are SUPER friendly. And the rest? well they don't belong here.

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