Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So my little laptop is beginning to annoy me every now and then. You know, you add a few things, you remove a few things, before you know it the thing doesn't run that well anymore.
So after dinner tonight I decide to put on my geek hat and investigate things.
And you'd be amazed how many geeks have been going through the same sh*t and managed to fix it through super sophisticated hacking.
Now here's the thing about the geeky me. I walk like one and talk like one but in all honesty I am really a geek wannabe. I well and truly suck when it comes to super sophisticated stuff. Which puts me in a funny position... Should I? Shouldn't I? Should I?
So I decided to go for it, but before doing anything I thought it would be a good idea to restart the beast, just in case, you know.
Guess what? It wouldn't restart.
Well it's shut itself down just fine, but when it came to starting - nada. It has the Start screen, then it flickers, then it just goes through different shades of black.
And honest to God - I didn't do any geeky manipulations whatsoever. It's like the thing was saying "let me give you a brief preview of what it would look like if you went down that path, mate". As if thoughts could kill computers.
I tried a few things before realizing that with no keyboard or anything my only options are to
(a) forget about it and get a new one
(b) forget about it and not get a new one
(c) try to stick a screwdriver in it and see what happens
(d) try to restore to factory settings (this one I learned from the geeky forum on the internet. It's kinda cool)
(e) wait till i get to a country where i speak the language and get it fixed

Decided to go for (d) (had no screwdriver), mainly because my assumption was that this would be exactly what the lab would do if and when I go there to get it fixed. And then charge me a gazzillion euros or pounds or yen.

And wonder of wonders - 30 seconds later the thing is as good as new. Literally as good as new. Which is not that awesome - none of my stuff is there anymore. Nothing. Thankfully there wasn't that much in the first place. You can't really fit much on this baby. All in all - it's better than a back screen.

So yeah, thought I'd share the story- it has it all drama, suspense, tears and laughter (at me, not with me. I know). Will be heading to bed now...

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