Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Buenos Aires!

It's funny how you sometimes have such a strong opinion on something that has absolutely nothing to do with reality.
My flight to Buenos Aires actually didn't leave from Rio, but from Sao Paulo (don't ask - long story) and I had to make my own way there.
I heard so many horror stories about Latin american airlines that I was pretty concerned about the whole idea, with visions of 1950's planes, luggage ending up in Berlin rather than Buenos Aires, that sort of thing. Apart from the chickens and the pigs, I really thought it would be the flying equivalent of an Indian bus.
Well it wasn't. The plane was either brand spanking new or was cleaned by someone with severe compulsive obsessive disorder. The crew was so nice (and good looking) I wanted noting more than to go out with them once we land. We took off 2 minutes ahead of time, landed 2 minutes ahead of time, and during those short 40 minutes they managed to provide a hot dinner, drink-yourself-silly drinks and make everybody feel at home. So two thumbs up to TAM.
Flight to Buenos Aires was departing at an insanlyhour of the morning the next day, so I booked my self a nice room at the airport hotel, had a gin & tonic (with compliments of the house), and went to bed. Not before setting my alarm to 4:00am the next morning.
And let me tell you - 4:00am the next morning came pretty quickly.
Shower. Taxi. Check-in. Then two and a half hours to pass before the quick flight across the Border to Buenos Aires. If that's not what the jetset is all about, I don't know what is.
Buenos Aires!

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